Day 10 - The Bakery Hunt in the Rain

Today is my day to scour the city for the various bakeries so that I can continue to perform my critique.  The weather forecast is for consistent rain today so we know that it will be a wet day for us.  Luckily, we planned for rain so we both put on our rain jackets and headed out.

A couple of things I noticed about people here.  The first is that even though this is a travel by bike city, there must not be a helmet law because very few people wear them.  The second thing is that the Danes don’t seem to mind getting wet in the rain.  More people walked in the rain without umbrellas than with, some don’t even wear a raincoat.   

So, our first stop today was the Juno Bagerie.  This place didn’t have almond croissant or cinnamon roll.  We bought a cardamom bun to go.

We then stopped at the Design Museum.  This place was really cool.  It’s very different from your standard museum fare and I have always liked the Scandinavian designs so I found the museum to be very interesting, a lot of cool concepts.

Rosie on exhibit

The thing that Rick is standing in between is some plastic thing created by 3-D printing.  

Now that is a good re-use concept.

Next, we went back to the Christianborg castle and did the Royal Reception Room tour.  Because of the rain, we had to wear booties so that we don’t thrash the floor.  Christiansborg Palace is the largest castle in Scandinavia. It houses both the national parliament, the Prime Minister's office, the Supreme Court and the Queen. In this way, it is the only building in the world with all branches of government in it. When the first castle was built in 1167 it was a small island. It it has burned down multiple times and today, it has been enlarged and it is hard to see that it is an island because the area around it has been landfilled as Copenhagen has grown. 

Royal Family - Queen Margrethe II

The throne room

The great hall - they have dinners here when the banquet is too big for the dining room

275 chair dining table

Royal floral china - looks like Anna Weatherley stuff (she is Hungarian)

We also did the ruin’s tour ( it’s underneath the castle) but I thought it was super boring and they mainly said the castle sucked…

Next was the Royal Kitchen tour.  Some interesting things about this tour.  They don’t use the kitchen anymore but the display is as if it was working (back in the thirties).  Every thing was massive in size and a lot of copper cookware.  The distance from the kitchen to the dining room is pretty far so chefs have to be creative with how they keep the food warm.  For example, for grilled beef tenderloin, they grill it, vacuum seal it, then submerge it in water at a constant temperature to keep it warm until it’s time to serve it.  The other thing is plating 275 plates at the same time is no small feat so they do as much as possible ahead of time, was often use the long dining room table to do their plating.

After Christianborg, we decided to head to the next bakery.  Andersen Bageri was the next bakery.  It had really great almond croissant and although their cinnamon roll was in between Brods and St. Peders, we do rank Anderson very high in the rankings.  They have a nice place to sit and their coffee was also very good.

Fortified, we went to the Ny Carlberg Glypotek Museum.  Named for the iconic Carlsberg beer benefactor, the museum is mostly a personal collection of Carl Jacobson who created the museum and donated it to the city.  The Glyptotek museum exhibits rotating shows along with their permanent collections of mostly ancient antiquities of mostly Egypt, Rome and Greece.

After the Glypotek, it was time to find our next bakery.  Note, it’s been raining consistently all day and even though our rain jackets have held up well, we have decided to take the bus to this location to get out of the rain.  Let’s just say that it didn’t all go smoothly but eventually we got there.  I was extra excited because even though we were trying to find Hart Bakery, there was a Meyers right near it too!  Bonus!  Hart bakery did not have almond croissant, nor did they have cinnamon rolls so we bought a chocolate croissant to go.  They also told us that they they don’t make anything with cinnamon…  weird right?

We went to find Meyers and there, they also didn’t have almond croissants.  But did have cinnamon rolls so I  bought one to go.  I asked if they make almond croissants and she looked at me as if that was the dumbest question.  Rick's note: ...or like we asked if they sold almond covered dog turds...

It stopped raining at about 3:30 p.m.  Our rain jackets both held up well, keeping us dry but it was annoying to walk in the rain.  I am clearly not used to rain nor walking in it.  Here are some photos of us in the rain.

By now it’s close to 5:00 p.m. so it’s time for dinner.  We went to  Smagsloget, a sandwich place.  We had plans to come here for lunch but that didn’t work out so we are here for dinner.  The sandwich I ordered was the number one and Rick ordered the number 15.  We didn’t really know what to expect and it turned out to be like a panini.  We both agreed that it was too high on the vegetable and too low on the meat.  Other than that, it was good.

Smagsloget was a 3 minutes walk to our hotel so that is where we went.  We clocked  16,585 steps today (6.3 miles) due to our usage of buses to get out of the rain today.  It was still a very full day and tonight, I am looking forward to my bakery judging event.

Our trip is coming to it’s close.  We fly out tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at  2:00 p.m. and will be back home on Saturday , 4/1 at 1:28 a.m., a very long travel day.  CPH to KEF to BOS to SFO. I think it’s a total of 20 hours of travel back.  Well, it was a great trip and well worth it.

I will have to give you my final bakery recommendation later.  Time to go get a latte and have some baked goods!

Rick's Notes for the Day:

Well, today is our final full day of sight-seeing for this trip.  It was also the first day with consistent bad weather.  It rained most of the day in Copenhagen. I would not call it a down-pour but it was a constant rain.  On the upside, the temps were probalby in the low 50s and both Rosie and I had good rain jackets with hoods.  In addition to multiple bakeries, we hit a few more of the historical sites covered by our Copenhagen Cards.  

I find the whole concept of royalty and nobility interesting.  It seems like a big part of it is making sure the masses know you are royal and propogating that fact.  Also, all the inter-connections between the European royals over the past 500 years is also intersting to me.

Another thing that I am less interested in is design.  The Danes seem super interested in design.  We started off today at the Design Museum Denmark.  For most of it, I had no idea what was going on or what the exhibtion was about.  That being said, I think there were some cool objects that I took pictures of (see below).

No clue what this thing above is, but I thought it looked cool.

A light that looks to be made out of sausage casing or ballon-animal ballons.

Rosie trying to beam home instead of flying for 20+ hours tomorrow.

Comment withheld for family harmony purposes.

Giant chair or small Rosie??

Cool light

Cool light v2

I expected all rooms to look like this and the Design Museum.

Below are a few other pictures from the later stops in the day.

I thought the guy above looked like the Danish George Washington.

Can you please pass the salt.  I said CAN YOU PLEASE PASS THE SALT!!!!!!

Rosie can't go on a trip and not look at dishes

I looked around for Mrs. Pattmore and Daisy but I did not see them.

Why is Rosie so happy?  Is it because she likes being out in the rain or is it because she knows she is headed to another bakery...or two, in this case.

Just thought this was a nice picture.

I thought this was amazing.  This guy became Emporer of Rome, even though he only had half-forearms and no hands!

While this statue has no head, I thought the draping in the marble was pretty amazing.

Tomorrow will be a long, long day of travel.  We will be going from Denmark to Iceland to Boston and then to SFO.  I will plan to find some time to write up some final thought on this trip.


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